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For some time now I have continued to blog (albeit spasmodically) on this blog for topics which would probably have been on a “company” blog if I’d had one (I did set up an “achurch” blog here on Typepad, but wasn’t particularly happy with putting more content here – I am really looking to take back some control of my own web presence!). I readily confess to having dragged the chain unforgivably on that front, but am pleased to say that (finally) I have my own hosting in place and have a new WordPress site at achurch & associates.

You’ll notice it’s a fairly unassuming design – a man needs to know his limitations :), to paraphrase Harry Callahan. You may also notice some of the content gets re-posted from here to there – it’s not going to be a lot, but it makes sense to repeat some posts on the new site, and they will probably get a bit of an update in the process.

So what happens to this site? It will still get social media, politics, music and personal stuff posted to it – things which aren’t specific to my business. Likewise this site will get snippets of interest from around the place re-blogged still.

So those of you interested in enterprise architecture, IT strategy and industry analysis – that will be at the new home. Everyone else – as you were 🙂